Get The Ultimate Guide To Gaining Emotional Intelligence
Over the last several decades, the topic of emotional intelligence has become a popular topic the world over.
Over the years, there have been many scientific studies that have been conducted on the subject of emotional intelligence, and the findings are astounding.
One finding uncovered by several studies is that your IQ only accounts for 20 percent of our achievements in life, while the other 80 percent depends solely on our emotional intelligence.
When it comes to finding success in the workplace, many employers are looking at emotional intelligence skills to help them improve both profitability and productivity.
Unfortunately, having low levels of emotional intelligence can take its toll on your mental and emotional well-being.
But how do you know if you suffer from low emotional intelligence? Here are some of the more common signs that you might have low emotional intelligence.
If any of these signs sounds familiar to you, it could mean that you are suffering from a low level of emotional intelligence, which will dramatically decrease your chances of being successful.
Luckily, I’ve created a simple step-by-step guide for how to develop your emotional intelligence.
This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to gain self-awareness, improving your people skills, and creating happier relationships.
Allow me to introduce to you...
A Step-By-Step Guide To Gaining Self-Awareness, Improving Your People Skills, and Creating Happier Relationships
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Here's what you'll discover in this ebook:
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It is like a summary of the entire guide but in actionable, bite-sized points so that you can successfully get through the course.
You'll also get access to a rolodex of top sites, blogs, forums, tools, apps and services to get you even further.
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A quick glance over this mindmap and you'll get an instant refresher of all the major points and action steps from the main guide.
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Did I mention this eBook is only $7.00? It's definitely a point worth repeating. You will be hard-pressed to find a more valuable resource.
I'm delighted to have the chance to share this powerful guide with you.
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To Your Success,
P.S. If you are looking to improve your success in both your personal and professional life, then you need to make sure that you have a high level of emotional intelligence. Grab 'Gain Emotional Intelligence' today by clicking the Add To Cart button above.