Frequently Asked Questions
Tech Questions
How much bandwidth do I really
need for my site? What happens if I exceed my allocations?
What is Unselfish Marketers'
connection speed to the Internet?
What server
hardware are you using?
The vast majority of our customer
sites easily fit into a monthly traffic allowance of 500 or 1000 MB per month. This is the level of service offered by our highly
economical "Up'n'Coming" and for the more experienced "Seasoned" level web hosting account.
Sites consisting of a mix of
text and a few graphics per page, as do most, are not terribly high bandwidth
It is important to notice that
Unselfish Marketers will not penalize you should your site occasionally exceed
its monthly allocations. There will be no surprise excess bandwidth charges,
Should your site begin to consistently exceed its monthly
allocations, we will contact you and recommend a budget conscious upgrade path
for you.
We offer several DS3 (T3)
class lines to diverse backbone providers. Combined with BGP4 routing protocol,
you can be confidant your site will be up and accessible to the web.
This cutting-edge routing technology maximizes the benefit of
our connections to these diverse providers, to ensure visitors to your site have
the easiest time connecting to your site.
Most web hosting providers depend on lines from a single
provider which can be easily crippled by the inevitable routing and congestion
problems on the net. With our diverse multiple points of entry, we are much less
susceptible to these types of service problems..
Unselfish Marketers Co. Ltd. uses
state-of-the-art, highly optimized
Pentium III and Pentium 4 based servers. Each server is equipped with plenty of
RAM and very lightly CPU loaded to ensure fast serving of your content.
Inside our server farm, we run a 100 Mbps switched Ethernet,
connecting finally to our high performance Cisco routers and our multiple T3 and
T1 lines.
Our newest servers run the hottest flavor of UNIX on the
market, the Linux OS, and the award-winning Apache HTTP server software.
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Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What will my web site address be?
How long does it take to open an account?
Can I host more than one domain in my account?
Does Unselfish Marketers accept payment by credit card?
What if I live in a country that PayPal doesn't accept?
If I establish an account with a domain name, who ends up owning the domain name? Can I take it with me if I ever decide to switch to a new provider?
I already have a domain name somewhere else, can I transfer it to a new account with Unselfish Marketers?
I already have a domain name somewhere else, can I host with Unselfish Marketers
WITHOUT transferring my domain?
Can I buy domain names from Unselfish Marketers and host somewhere else?
Can you guys design my site & maintain it for me?
Can I host a pornographic web site on a Unselfish Marketers Co. Ltd. server?
What restrictions, if any, apply to the use of Unselfish Marketers web hosting accounts? What policies and terms of service govern Unselfish Marketers web hosting accounts?
We offer true virtual hosting, so your site's address will be
of the familiar form, http://www.yourname.com. As an added bonus, all domain
names are registered to respond to www.yourname.com or simply yourname.com.
We can usually have your account setup within just a couple of
hours of receiving payment for your order.
Yes. We offer several options to cover this. Firstly, you can always park
additional domains pointing to your main site at no additional cost. These
parked domain names would in essence be aliases for your main website. Email
service is included with this free domain parking service.
We also offer the ability to host separate and distinct sites within your
account. There are absolutely no additional monthly fees per added 1, 2 or 5 domains. Each of these sub-hosted domains will all be sharing the same storage and bandwidth allocation
as your main account. So in other words, if you are hosting 2 additional sites
within your account in this manner, the total disk space and bandwidth consumed
by these 2 sites + your main site, all must be less than the allocation provided
by your main account.
The preferred method of payment is
PayPal (free account) & through them credit
cards. Unselfish Marketers Co. Ltd. accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
We prefer PayPal but also know that
they aren't a global solution so if you reside in a country on their 'still to
discover' list we do accept payments through SafePay
It's free to open an account
Your domain is exclusively yours and not owned by us. You will
be listed as the administrative and billing contacts for your domain, and thus
will retain total control of it. You will of course be responsible for your own
payment to InterNIC or other domain registry or get
your own private
No problem. The domain name is yours and it's a simple process
to transfer it to our server. In fact, it's usually completed within a few days!
Unselfish Marketers Co. Ltd. will assist you with the paperwork involved.
No problem. The domain name is yours.
All you need to do is to
tell your registrar to point your domain name to our servers - For Example
ns1.4x7club.com + ns24x7club.com
Sure you can - And rest assure the domain name is yours! You
will be listed as the administrative and billing contacts for your domain, and
thus will retain total control of it.
Our primary account offerings allow you to maintain your own
site and content. If however, you would like JayKay Bak - our CEO to help you
design or maintain your site, we do also offer such services. Please go to our
Sister Site
http://JKBak.com (opens a new window) to get answers regarding cost
of setup, maintenance & Rent-A-Webmaster
Though Unselfish Marketers Co. Ltd. is a strong advocate of
free speech on the internet, we reluctantly have to prohibit the operation of
such sites in our standard hosting accounts for purely technical reasons. Sites
of this type draw a disproportionately large volume of traffic which ends up
negatively impacting service to our other customers.
If you have a special need to host such a high traffic web site, contact our
skilled sales staff, who in conjunction with our
support staff, can hook you up with an affordable alternate hosting solution
through our adult hosting division.
Unselfish Marketers web hosting accounts may be used for most
legal commercial and non-commercial purposes. Unselfish Marketers imposes the
minimal set of system policies and terms of service necessary to protect overall
system integrity and security. Further details can be found at: Privacy Policy And Our Terms Of
Service (new window)
Please do not hesitate to use our contact us
facility if you don't see your answer above, thank you.
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